
Loan Protection Insurance is the insurance cover the Credit Union provides on the lives of its borrowing members.
Should an insured borrower die, or (under most contracts) become totally and permanently disabled for any occupation, the insurance cover provides that the loan is repaid in full. If a member who is eligible for insurance cover and has signed the Credit Agreement dies with a loan outstanding, the loan balance is paid in full by the insurer.
You will be informed at the time of the loan application if your loan exceeds the amount covered by the credit unions policy. Under the basic policy death cover ceases on the members 70th birthday. The credit union covers the option of extending this age limit to the members 80th birthday by affecting cover under the Over 70 Rider. Terms and Conditions apply.
Life Savings Insurance is the life insurance cover the Credit Union provides for its eligible members as an additional incentive for them to save regularly. The amount of insurance benefit to which a member is entitled is in proportion to the mount of savings the member has, and depends on the members age at date of lodgement.
Subject to a maximum benefit set by the Credit Union, every €1 you save before the age of 55 provides €1 of insurance. Once you are over the age of 55 each €1 you save with your credit union provides the following benefit:
- €1 saved between ages 55-59 provides €0.75 insurance
- €1 saved between ages 60-64 provides €0.50 insurance
- €1 saved between ages 65-69 provides €0.25 insurance
No insurance is payable on amounts saved after your 70th Birthday.
Once earned, your insurance remains in force as long as you leave your savings in your credit union. Withdrawals may affect the amount payable.
A member is eligible for the insurance cover carried by the credit union if when they begin saving they are:
- Under the age of 70
- Actively at work, or if not working, in good health
What are the benefits?
Depending on your age and how much you have saved with your credit union over the years, Life Savings insurance could provide your dependants with up to €1,000 on you death.
HomeUnion is a very comprehensive home insurance package specially designed for credit union members and has been in operation since 1990. HomeUnion is underwritten by Allianz Ireland plc.
- Index Linking
- Fire brigade charges as standard
- New for old cover
- Free 24 hour emergency helpline
- Fast and reliable claims handling
- No extra charges for payments by Direct Debit
How do I get a home insurance quote?
Call into Thomastown Credit Union Limited.
When acting as an insurance intermediary Thomastown Credit Union Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
The Credit Union gets a referral fee for insurance policies that members take out. In the interest of members financial wellbeing, TCU will get you the best available quote available from the named insurers we deal with. We do recommend that you research other options with other insurance companies.
Star Plan Travel Insurance is a comprehensive worldwide travel insurance scheme for members, available on an individual, couple or family basis. It offers a broad range of cover at a competitive price and is available on a single or multi-trip basis. This scheme is underwritten by AIG Europe (Ireland) Limited.
Apart from offering great value, other advantages of Star Plan Travel Insurance include:
- Reduced rates are available for families.
- Children under two are insured free of charge.
- Adults can be insured up to the age 75.
- Insurance Certificates are issued “on the spot” by the credit union.
How do I get a travel insurance quote?
Call into Thomastown Credit Union Limited, or to buy insurance on-line, visit
When acting as an insurance intermediary Thomastown Credit Union Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
Our Car Insurance is a very comprehensive insurance package specially designed for credit union members and is underwritten by AIG Europe (Ireland) Limited.
- Car insurance from €273
- 12 months cover for the price of 11
- Instant online quotes
- Comp. and TPF&T Cover
- NCD of up to 55%
- 24 Hour Claims Service
- Members get a discount on Axa policies by quoting TCU.
How do I get a car insurance quote?
Call into Thomastown Credit Union Limited, or to buy insurance on-line, visit
When acting as an insurance intermediary Thomastown Credit Union Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
The Credit Union gets a referral fee for insurance policies that members take out. In the interest of members financial wellbeing, TCU will get you the best available quote available from the named insurers we deal with. We do recommend that you research other options with other insurance companies.
Coveru also do Home insurance through AIG.
When acting as an insurance intermediary Thomastown Credit Union is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
When acting as an insurance intermediary Thomastown Credit Union is a tied agent.